Steps to Convert EMLX to EML

Below is the process of EMLX to EML Converter step-by-step.


Download / Install the software then

Launch it from Start >> Programs >> Birdie EMLX to EML Converter

Launch EMLX to EML Converter


To select EMLX files 2 options are available

  1. Add EMLX files: Click on this button, go the location where you have the EMLX files store from there select those file which you want to convert. To choose multiple files use Ctrl+Click method.
  2. Add Folder having EMLX files: In advance you must save all EMLX files in 1 folder so that when you click on this button you can directly go to the store location and select the folder containing the EMLX files.

Select EMLX Files


Next, you have to choose File Naming Options, in total you have 6 options available as shown in the below image. All the converted files will be saved according to the file name option you select.

Select saving location


Click on "Convert Messages to EML", next you will have to decide upon a location to save the converted files. The software will automatically retain the original folder structure of the saved EMLX files.

Conversion done

Conversion done


When the procedure is over you will get the following messages as shown in the image below.

Message after Conversion


Go to the location where the converted EML files are saved. You can open these EML files in any application like Outlook express, Windows Live Mail, Windows mail etc.

Open saved EML files

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