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Frequently Asked Question
Within 24 hours of all formalities done, the license version will be dispatch to you through email. You can contact use through chat or mail of you fail receive the license details.
All 4 licenses Version serves different Purposes, which are:
Commercial License: It could be used by different users for 1 year, but only at a same geographical location.
Non-Commercial License: It could only be used by 1 user for 1 year.
Command Line: With this license you can use the Software through command prompt
Enterprise: Different users at different geographical location could use it for 1 year. With this license we provide both Command Line & Standalone. *EXE.
We do have special 5-10% discount on all the products for Educational Intuitions. For Further query regarding this contact us. Drop a mail on support@birdiesoftware.com or you can contact use through chat.
We provide you two alternate options for payment: